2025-02-11 FSCA General Meeting Agenda and Minutes

The FSCA general meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11, 2025.

Location: Club Property 15301 99th Street The Acreage, FL 33412

The gathering and setup begin at 7:00 PM.

The meeting commences at 7:30 PM.

The Meeting Adjourns by 9:30 PM

Pledge of Allegiance

Remarks by President

Treasurers Report


Old Business

Youth Day 2025                                               Terri Lyn &  Rachael

Arthur Marshall Everglades day                    Billy and Bishop

Istapoga Airboat ramp work day                  Billy


New Business

Guest Speaker Morgan Schad FWC

Election Ballot Instructions                             Mark Dombroski

SCI Banquet 2/15                                             Bishop

FSCA Youth Gator hunt (dupris)                     Kerry

LOAA Airboat & Buggy show                         Jamie Mellette, Bishop, Matt

FWC Commission meeting 2/26 2/27           Matt

FSCA/NWTF Banquet 5/17                             Tommy

Earthday Kissimmi river 5/3                           Matt & Dan King

Outdoor Expo 5/2 – 5/4                                   Bishop

Huntmaster course 3/21-3/23                       Matt

Election results                                                 Matt


Items not on the agenda


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Conservation through active volunteering efforts to preserve Florida's public access lands.