Annual Alligator Hunt Kickoff Party
Held our first annual alligator hunt kickoff party at Belle Glade Marina on Lake Okeechobee
Kids Fishing Day Event
FSCA volunteers have participated in the annual Kids Fishing Day event sponsored by the West Palm Beach Fishing Club.
Naturescaping John D. MacArthur State Park
In conjunction with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) FSCA volunteers participated in real Florida naturescaping in John D. MacArthur State Park.
Fort Pierce Cattlemen’s Parade
Volunteers provide swamp buggy rides in the Ft. Pierce Cattlemen’s parade and the Belle Glade Black Gold parade
Dolphin Fishing Tournament
Developed and managed a “Dolphin Fishing Tournament” to promote fishing opportunities and to raise funds to further our conservation efforts.
Earth Fest and Earth Fest for Educators
We promote conservation and environmental education in annual “Earth Fest” and “Earth Fest for Educators” events at the Palm Beach Mall.
Exotic Tree Eradication Program
Volunteers have frequently participated in annual exotic tree eradication programs on various management areas.
Marking Red Cockaded Woodpecker Colonies
Worked in conjunction with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission to count and mark existing Red Cockaded Woodpecker colonies.
Mangrove Marathon
“Mangrove Marathon” on Jupiter Waterways Park, a project to replace harmful exotic trees with native mangroves which are essential in restoring inshore islands and marine nurseries along Florida’s east coast.
Re-roofed Everglades Youth Camp
Re-roofed the storage building at the Everglades Youth Camp rifle range where young people as well as adults are trained in firearms safety.