Coordinated Education Programs with Local Schools
Developed and coordinated youth education programs in local schools and the Everglades Youth Camp.
Benefit Barbecues
FSCA members lend a hand to members of our community in need. In June 1994, held a benefit barbecue for a single mother who had been seriously injured in an automobile accident. In July 1997 FSCA held a benefit for two-year-old Cody Freshwater, diagnosed with Acute Lymphocyte Leukemia, then years later he was a one […]
Environment Education Trips for Youth
We have treated youth groups to fun-filled environmental education field trips via swamp buggies and airboats. These groups include Girl Scouts, 4H kids, summer youth camp attendees, Boy Scouts and Indian Princes.
Repaired 11 Miles of Vandalized Fence
Repaired 11 miles of vandalized fence on Cecil Webb Wildlife Management Area (WMA), enabling continued public enjoyment of this area. FSCA established a peer pressure education program to urge ethical conduct on public lands.
Vessel Sound Ordinance Test
We participated in the Vessel Sound Ordinance Testing in cooperation with FWC
Wood Duck Boxes
Designed, built and installed Wood Duck Boxes at Dupuis Reserve, on Lake Okeechobee, John and Mariana Jones WEA, and the Kissimmee River in cooperation with SFWMD, FWC, and Delta Waterfowl. Programs such as these have enabled wood duck populations to rebound from near extinction throughout the nation.
Enhancing Ocean to Lake Hiking Trail
The Florida Trails Association has an Ocean to Lake Hiking Trail that runs for approximately 63 miles, west from Hobe Sound Beach to Lake Okeechobee. The trail starts at the ocean, entering Jonathan Dickinson State Park at US 1, traveling through the park, Palm Beach County Natural Areas, Corbett Wildlife Management Area and Dupuis Management […]
DuPuis Public Access Management
In cooperation with SFMD, we build a 20×30 foul weather shelters on DuPuis, and 2 along the Kissimmee River PUA we moved posted signs back for more public access along with making a campground for all user groups. Designed and built the 1st horse paddock for Dupuis WMA before they would open to equestrian use. […]
West Palm Beach Water Catchment Area Park Construction Project
Assisted in the construction of a park zoned in the City of West Palm Beach’s Water Catchment Area. The construction project made it possible for public access tor wildlife viewing. Such opportunities in this area had been closed to the public since the early 1980s. FSCA volunteers have continued to return to provide maintenance for […]
Everglades Coordinating Council
In cooperation with the Everglades Coordinating Council (ECC) and the Florida Conservation Council (FSCA) has helped organize and host events designed to educate our state legislators of environmental programs facing South Florida’s unique ecosystem, as well as the recreational opportunities and economic enhancements a healthy ecosystem can provide. These events have included three legislative tours […]