2022 Earth Day on the Kissimmee River April 30, 2022

April 30, 2022

April 22nd is a big day in Kissimmee (and all around the world). That’s because it’s Earth Day! Every year on April 22nd, we love to celebrate the beauty of our planet, and, more specifically, the beauty of Central Florida! If you’ll be spending your Earth Day with us in Kissimmee, here are a few of our favorite activities that put Mother Nature in the spotlight.

Kissimmee PUA workday project, FSCA & LOAA is looking to start a project removing the fence lines and obstacles within the  floodplain of the Kissimmee River pool A south of Highway 60 on the east side looking for Volunteer to help on April 30th, 2022. 

Post Report of Earth Day on the Kissimmee River 

On Earth Day, April 30, 2022, members from both organizations (FSCA) Florida Sportsmens Conservation Association & (LOAA) Lake Okeechobee. The Airboat Association and other conservationists joined forces to work with the South Florida Water Management District to post signage and remove fence posts, barb wire, and other hazards on the Kissimmee River Blanket Bay pool A unit.  Another spectacular Earth Day event is part of the great America cleanup cannot say enough about the Sportsman’s commitment to hard-working volunteers who are genuinely making a difference to preserve Florida’s resources. 


This event had 50+ volunteers who provided over 440 hours of labor, 13 swamp buggys, two side-by-side, and two skid steers loaders. Members from LOAA provided everybody with a hot lunch, which gave everybody time to socialize during the event. Big shout out to Matt Nelson and Jamie Mellette for spearheading the event along with South Florida Water Management staff.  


The group removed hazards that would harm or hurt recreational users who are enjoying Airboating on the floodplain, and the group helped post the fence line between private and public properties so we can keep everyone legal!


FSCA & LOAA cannot thank the volunteers enough or the district staff for working together to make a difference. 

Check it out the photos on Flickr


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Conservation through active volunteering efforts to preserve Florida's public access lands.